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J Epilepsy Res > Volume 13(2); 2023 > Article
Hazany, DeClouette, Lowe, Hwang, Kim, Bluml, and Partikian: Corrigendum to: Glutathione Increase and Seizure Burden Decrease in Patients with Intractable Epilepsy on Ketogenic Diet
J Epilepsy Res 2023;13(1):1-6
In published article by Hazany S et al., there is an error in the data value and location of the ‘Absolute level’ column in Table 1. Modify the data values and locations as follows.
Before correction:
Patient Clinical data MRS data

Age (years) Seizures (months) Average seizure duration (minutes) Diet duration (months) Serum βHB (mM/L) GSH (parietal white matter) NAA/tCr βHB absolute level (IU)

Absolute level (IU) GSH/tCr
 Pre-KD 42 3–5 1–5 4 0.15 0.02 GM: 1.46 GM: 0.49
GM: 0.12 (SD: 268)
WM: 0.65 (SD: 56) 0.07 WM: 1.30 WM: 0.00
 Post-KD 1–2 0.5 0.12 0.33 GM: 1.57 GM: 0.07
GM: 1.40 (SD: 35)
WM: 1.50 (SD: 31) 0.19 WM: 1.28 WM: 0.02
 Pre-KD 35 2–4 2–5 7 0.10 0.02 GM: 1.39 GM: 0.68
GM: 0.10 (SD: 370)
WM: 0.80 (SD: 39) 0.12 WM: 1.42 WM: 0.25
 Post-KD 1–2 0.5 0.10–0.18 0.15 GM: 1.46 GM: 0.25
GM: 0.70 (SD: 51)
WM: 2.00 (SD: 16) 0.35 WM: 1.40 WM: 0.56
After correction:
Patient Clinical data MRS data

Age (years) Seizures (months) Average seizure duration (minutes) Diet duration (months) Serum βHB (mM/L) GSH (parietal white matter) NAA/tCr βHB absolute level (IU)

Absolute level (IU) GSH/tCr
 Pre-KD 42 3–5 1–5 4 0.15 GM: 0.12 (SD: 268) 0.02 GM: 1.46 GM: 0.49
WM: 0.65 (SD: 56) 0.07 WM: 1.30 WM: 0.00
 Post-KD 1–2 0.5 0.12 GM: 1.40 (SD: 35) 0.33 GM: 1.57 GM: 0.07
WM: 1.50 (SD: 31) 0.19 WM: 1.28 WM: 0.02
 Pre-KD 35 2–4 2–5 7 0.10 GM: 0.10 (SD: 370) 0.02 GM: 1.39 GM: 0.68
WM: 0.80 (SD: 39) 0.12 WM: 1.42 WM: 0.25
 Post-KD 1–2 0.5 0.10–0.18 GM: 0.70 (SD: 51) 0.15 GM: 1.46 GM: 0.25
WM: 2.00 (SD: 16) 0.35 WM: 1.40 WM: 0.56
Additionally, the CI abbreviation in Figure 2 of the above article is modified from ‘confidence interval’ to ‘complex I’.
The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
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